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Why solar greenhouses became popular

Author:本站 Source:本站 Time:2018/3/6 10:34:19 frequency:

Greenhouse engineering daylight greenhouse is the abbreviation of energy-saving sunlight greenhouse, also known as warm shed, which is a unique type of greenhouse in northern China. It is a kind of greenhouse that is not heated indoors. Even in the coldest seasons, it only depends on sunlight to maintain a certain temperature level indoors to meet the needs of vegetable crop growth.

         Solar greenhouse is a relatively simple facility that makes full use of solar energy, and generally does not heat vegetables for winter cultivation in cold areas, while the cultivation facility for producing fresh vegetables has a distinctive Chinese characteristic. It is a unique facility in China. The structure of solar greenhouses varies from place to place, and there are many classification methods. According to the wall material, there are mainly dry soil soil greenhouses, masonry structure greenhouses, and composite structure greenhouses.

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